كتاب ملخصات دروس الانجليزية للثانية باكالوريا جميع الشعب و المسالك (امتاحانت و أجوبة)

كتاب ملخصات دروس الانجليزية للثانية باكالوريا جميع الشعب و المسالك (امتحانات وطنية + التصحيح)

في إطار الاستعداد الجيد لاجتياز الامتحان الوطني لنيل شهادة الباكالوريا ، نقدم لكم كتابا رائعا يضم جميع ملخصات دروس الثانية باكالوريا لجميع الشعب و المسالك. من إعداد الأستاذ علي العزوزي.

دروس اللغة الانجليزية، السنة الثانية باكالوريا،2 باك، English 2 BAC، ملخصات، و منهجيات الإنشاء Writing، و الكتابة الانشائية (التعبير الكتابي) بالانجليزية.

ملخصات دروس الإنجليزية للثانية باك شعبة الآداب و العلوم الإنسانية بمسلكيها
ملخصات دروس الإنجليزية للثانية باك جميع الشعب و جميع المسالك.

هذا الكتاب اسمه bridge ، و يحتوي على : 

دروس و تمارين تطبيقية في مادة اللغة الإنجليزية للثانية باكالوريا جميع المسالك و الشعب.
نصوص و مفردات في اللغة الإنجليزية للسنة الثانية باكالوريا.
منهجية الإنشاء writing
امتحانات قصيرة quizzes ، و امتحانات و طنية في مادة اللغة الإنجليزية للسنة 2الثانية باك + عناصر الإجابة.
ملخصات مادة اللغة الإنجليزية للثانية باك 

 و هذه كلمة الأستاذ علي العزوزي في تقديم 

Dear student,
“Bridge” is a book that was designed to help you overcome the difficulties that you might encounter while preparing for your national and academic exams. The book covers all the language aspects that you’ll need during your preparation for the exams. It incorporates well-explained lessons, brief summary for each lesson, illustrated with good examples, selected vocabulary to enrich your memory repertoire and to use them in your essay writing, also well-selected exam texts to make you familiar with such a receptive skill. This book, also, consists of functional language, grammar and finally writing samples and writing useful ideas. In more details, this book has been designed to expand your vocabulary. For each unit, you’ll be loaded with key vocabulary items related to the theme set in the syllabi. To test your overall understanding, you’ll be asked to do a variety of activities, including matching definitions, gap filling, word formation, etc. For texts, you will work on real national exam texts using both skimming and scanning skills. I chose such texts to help you know what the exam texts look like and at the same time be familiar with the exam instructions and rubrics. Grammatical lessons are explained and presented in a good way, as well. For each lesson, you will find a brief summary of rules, examples and exercises. To betier evaluate your grammar lessons’ understanding, I put a quiz for each single lesson, and hopefully you’ll be able to do all the exercises without referring to the grammar reference at the end of the book while on the task. Functional language is as crucial as grammar. For each function, you will find a variety of expressions that you should memorize and use them well in the right contexts. Writing essays, E-mails, reports, film reviews, etc., may seem difficult for you, but bear in mind that with the help of the templates provided along with the ideas listed in the end of the book, it will become very easy for you to follow or inspire from. In the end of the book, there are some national exam papers to evaluate your mastery of the lessons previously studied alongside some more challenging activities to check and strengthen your understanding and your overall English language proficiency. I also included the key answer to help you check your answers later by yourself. Finally, I hope that “Bridge” will help you cross the bridge of BAC and join tertiary education with full enthusiasm, and self confidence, also armed with English language basics which will make you distinctive and more qualified. 

Good luck, everyone
The author.

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